person wishing to settle here, now Britain's history, culture and life
style more closely study. "life in the UK like that every person" must
pass a test called 45 minutes. in this test were introduced in 2005 now
history and famous personalities of the country more difficult questions
will be added on.
is a test which may themselves be britenvasi also fell, but so strong
desire to settle here that most overseas it has become harder to test
existing David Cameron Government. and the number of migrants in order
to keep a grip on. This section of the test and his new section be
included to take advantage of welfare schemes are and human
rights-related section removed. their new The history section in the UK, the first line of the national anthem, from English literature-related questions are included.
will be told for the first time in the UK Handbook historically
Christian countries. indirect attack on Islamist terrorism, insurgency
and in the UK it says that there is no place for intolerance.