Trilokpuri rob a woman conductor in the case of cash on the strength of the knife Karkardooma court of Additional Sessions Judge Sanjay Garg Asuddin five years imprisonment by the court and sentenced to a fine of Rs. The court said in its ruling that the penalty amount if the accused does not have to cut it two months' additional imprisonment. Meanwhile, another accused in the court case, Sher Khan was acquitted for lack of evidence.
Two of the cases presented by Mayur Vihar police complaint in March 2011, Neetu conductress Asuddin DTC and registered a case of arson against Sher Khan was arrested. Neetu said in his complaint that the bus route number 307 Trilokpuri Caterpillar was going to market. Trilokpuri block number 25 in the four young men surrounded him and began grabbing money bags filled with conductor. He took the knife out after protests by youths snatched her bag. Block No. 18 to the bus slows down from the young man just ran around. She cried. His attack on the local people Asuddin been seized and handed over to the police. Sher Khan was arrested by police on Asuddin was the spotter. Both the police against the accused in court was presented six witnesses.